Passive income refers to any source of income you might have that doesn’t require much effort on your part once it’s set up. It includes things like rental income from real estate or from owning stock in businesses, interest on investments, and so on.

Though passive income can be great for building wealth, not all kinds of passive income are good for this purpose. Here are the three best types of passive income, along with tips on where to invest each kind to get the best results.
Don't count on investment returns
If you want to achieve a truly passive income, there are several things to keep in mind. First, don’t count on investment returns. Investing is risky and the market is unpredictable.
There have been multiple instances of people losing everything they invested because an investment didn’t pan out like they expected. With that said, if you do invest it's important to have a diverse portfolio so that your losses are minimized if one investment doesn't work out as well as you hoped.
Next, make sure that the return on your investment is greater than the amount of time it will take you to cash in on the money in order to get a truly passive income stream.
Diversify your portfolio
Diversifying your portfolio is a smart way to invest. You can do this by investing in different industries or asset classes, or you can diversify by managing your risk by investing in different types of securities like stocks, bonds and cash.
With this approach, you’re ensuring that if one investment loses money, the others may offset any losses. However, make sure not to put all of your eggs in one basket so that if something goes wrong with any single security then you don't lose everything.
Remember that you may have to wait five years or more
There are a few factors to consider when evaluating the different types of investments to make. Do you need the money now? Do you have time to wait and see if your investment pans out? What is your risk tolerance? Is it more important that you have a lot of money to start with, or do you want the potential for growth?
There are lots of things to think about when deciding what type of investment might be right for you. The thing most people worry about is whether they can afford to take the hit if their investment doesn't go well.
You should also consider how long you're willing to let an investment grow before you cash in on the profits, as well as what kind of financial situation you're in.
Have a plan B in case things go wrong
Planning on starting a business can seem daunting. You have to carefully consider all your options and think about what might go wrong before you start spending any time, money, or energy. So if things don't work out the way you planned, here are some alternatives:
-You could try to pivot your current idea into something else that will be more profitable.
-If it's not working out financially, take a break from the business and try again later when your circumstances have changed (i.e., if you're only in high school, wait until after college).
-Talk to people who are experts at what you're trying to do and ask them how they got their start.
Keep track of your progress
#1- Look for dividend stocks. Dividend stocks have a long history of being a reliable investment choice because they provide you with regular income and can be held in your portfolio indefinitely. #2- Invest in real estate. Real estate is something that everyone needs and it has been shown to be one of the most consistent forms of investing over time, with demand always remaining high.
The returns from owning property can vary depending on location but it's an investment worth considering if you're looking to build a long term, passive income stream. #3- Put your money into renewable energy.
Finally, enjoy the profits
While saving money is important, it's also a good idea to plan out your future and invest. There are plenty of options, but here are some of the best ones.
-CD: A CD is a Certificate of Deposit that you'll typically find at banks. It's a low risk option with lower interest rates, but there are no limits on how long you can keep the money in there.
-Certificate of Shares: This investment allows you to buy shares in a company and collect dividends every year. They're high risk because they depend on how well the company does, but they also have higher return rates than CDs or savings accounts if the company does well.