What do teachers do when they retire? Where do they get their pension money from? How much money will they receive every month in their retirement years?
The answers to these questions and more are explained in this article that covers everything you need to know about the Teachers Pension Plan, including the issues surrounding it, how much you can expect to receive, what happens if you start teaching after age 50, and more.

How To Become Eligible For The Teacher’s Pension Scheme
You must be employed as a teacher by a state school or academy in England or Wales. Your employer must also be part of the scheme. You’ll start paying into the scheme automatically when you become eligible and your employer will make contributions too.
Your pension benefits will depend on how much you earn, how long you stay in the scheme for and how well the stock market performs while you’re saving.
When you retire, you can take up to 25% of your pension pot as a tax-free lump sum. The rest is used to provide you with an income for life. You may be in any one of the three types of pensions schemes – career average, final salary and defined contribution.
Career average is based on what you earn throughout your career. Final salary provides more generous benefits if you pay in for many years at a higher rate than career average but does not work out so well if you leave teaching before retiring because it calculates future pensions using what has been paid in over the years rather than basing them on the current value of your fund (which may have fallen).
Defined contribution schemes give less generous retirement incomes but they are often lower risk because they are based solely on how much money has been put into them and there are no guarantees about what will happen to the pot once savings have stopped being invested (as is the case with other schemes).
Tax Benefits Associated With The Teacher’s Pensions
The teacher’s pension offers a number of tax benefits that can help you save for retirement. For example, your contributions are tax-deductible and the interest earned on your account is tax-deferred.
This means that you can save more money for retirement than if you were investing in a traditional savings account. In addition, the death benefit from a teacher’s pension can be passed on to your beneficiaries tax-free. However, this feature may not always apply as some states only allow certain beneficiaries (spouse or children) to receive this exemption.
Additionally, a teacher's pension cannot be included as part of an estate when it passes to heirs. If you decide not to take Social Security benefits early at age 62 (which is possible), then any payments you receive from Social Security will also reduce the amount paid out by your teachers' pension plan.
Who Can Be A Member Of This Scheme?
The Teachers’ Pension Scheme (TPS) is a defined benefit pension scheme, open to employees of the Department for Education (DfE), academies, free schools, non-maintained special schools, local authorities and further education colleges in England and Wales.
In order to become a member of the scheme, you must be employed in one of these organisations in a teaching role. If you are not eligible for membership under this criteria, then you will need to opt into the Teachers' Pension Scheme Second Career Option if your date of birth was before 6th April 1973.
How Do I Enroll In The Scheme?
You can enroll in the Teachers’ Pension Scheme either online or by completing a paper application form. The first step is to create an account on the website. Once you have registered, you will be able to login and access your account.
If you choose to complete a paper application form, you can request one from your employer or download it from the website. To apply for membership of the scheme, please complete the form as instructed and return it with proof of ID, evidence of at least 5 years of service (for example a copy of your school report) and proof that you are aged 18 or over (a copy of your birth certificate).
What Is The Maximum Contribution That Can Be Made To This Scheme?
The maximum contribution that can be made to the scheme is capped at £40,000 per year. However, this amount can be increased if you have a salary of over £110,000. If you do not make the maximum contribution, your benefits will be reduced.
How Much Will I Get When I Retire?
The amount you will receive when you retire depends on how much you have contributed and how long you have been a member of the scheme. The average pension is around £19,000 per year.
How Can I Access My Money?
You can access your money from the age of 55. You can take up to 25% of your pension as a lump sum, and the rest must be used to provide an income for life.
What Are The Features Of The Teacher’s Pension Scheme?
The Teacher’s Pension Scheme is a defined benefit pension scheme. This means that your retirement income is calculated based on your salary and the number of years you have been a member of the scheme.
The scheme is open to all teachers who work in state-funded schools in England and Wales. You will start contributing to the scheme as soon as you start teaching. The benefits you receive from the scheme are tax-free.
Your contribution, which currently stands at 9%, is deducted from your pay and then matched by the employer. Your retirement income will be calculated based on two things - how much you paid into the scheme during your career, and how long you contributed for.
You may also be entitled to the basic state pension, see how much the state pension is worth here.
When Can I Start Taking My Pensions? To get any benefits, you need to be 60 or over (born before 6th April 1950). If you are between 50 and 59 (born after 5th April 1949) then you can take 25% of what would have been due if retiring at 60. However, these amounts may change in future depending on legislation changes so it's worth checking with the Government website for up-to-date information