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How to Build a Website for Making Money

Writer: Money Mentor Money Mentor

Updated: May 18, 2022

If you’re interested in earning money online, you may have considered building your own website for making money. For those who are unfamiliar with the process, this can seem overwhelming, but there are many different ways to go about building your own site and they don’t all require you to know how to code.

With just some basic information and a little bit of elbow grease, anyone can build their own website for making money in no time at all!

website for making money

Choose your website niche

To make money online, you need traffic. This means that before you begin making your website, you need to ask yourself what niche it will be in. For example, if I wanted to start a website about basketball, would I try and appeal to people who love basketball? Or maybe those who play basketball?

Most likely neither of these groups would have enough interest in my product or service—they are too broad of an audience and don’t target a specific group of people.

For example, if I was trying to start a website that helps young people find jobs, my niche is teenagers looking for jobs.

That narrows down my audience significantly and lets me focus on one type of person as opposed to hoping that everyone loves basketball and likes working with teenagers at their company.

Design a theme

Before you create a website, you need to decide on your site’s theme. Do you want it to focus more on content or more on visuals? It’s up to you.

If you want your website (and perhaps later products) to be entirely free of ads and 100% user-supported, then choose a theme that focuses more on visuals than content.

But if your goal is simply to build a profitable website, then most users are going to use Google AdSense or another third-party advertising platform — which means it doesn’t really matter which way you go with regards to content vs. design; just make sure people are finding your site through search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo!

Find hosting

Before you can get started, you’ll need to find web hosting. There are many options available, such as Bluehost or Hostgator (among others). The type of hosting you choose will depend on your budget and how much traffic you expect.

A good place to start is just by searching blue hosts latest deals on the image below.

The size of your website won’t matter too much at first as most hosts will provide enough space and bandwidth for basic sites.

In addition, it doesn’t hurt to do some research on site-building tools, such as WordPress or Wix, before signing up with a host; though they are not required by any means.

Set up WordPress

Hosting can be one of your biggest expenses. I always recommend using Bluehost because it’s inexpensive and easy to use—you don’t need any special skills or knowledge to get started.

WordPress is free and there are many tutorials that can help you get set up in no time, so there’s really no excuse not to have a site of your own.

All it takes is $3.49 per month (that includes hosting) and 60 minutes of your time each day—which makes me wonder why more people don’t start their own blogs.

This guide will walk you through all of that so that you can start building a website for making money in just one week.

Write blog posts

Write posts that contain words like how, how-to and reviews. According to Entrepreneur magazine’s annual small business study (nearly 1,000 small businesses were interviewed), posts with keywords like these attract more traffic than those without.

If you want your post to show up on page one of Google when someone searches how to start a food truck, then you should write it in such a way that when Google indexes it, people searching for how-to start a food truck find what they are looking for and return frequently.

build a money making website

How can you do that? First off, always include step-by-step instructions and be as detailed as possible about each step. Second, offer resources that readers can use to learn even more.

For example, if you have written an informative piece about how to build a website for making money, consider including links at the end so readers can download software or app templates relevant to their niche.

Then link back your own products through affiliate marketing or sponsored posts where appropriate.

No matter what content you create and how well optimized it is—if there is not enough substance behind it—it will not drive traffic from search engines long term.

SEO ultimately boils down to trust; since online information can be copied easily, Google looks to reward those sites that continually produce quality content instead of just pumping out pieces for temporary boosts in web traffic.

Although there are no set rules regarding keyword density and placement on a website, general guidelines provide insight into why certain keyword choices work better than others.

Keyword usage applies across platforms such as social media sites as well: A Facebook update containing relevant keywords is likely to generate higher engagement levels than one containing irrelevant terms.

Ultimately, while using proper SEO techniques may take time and effort at first, establishing good habits now may yield lasting results over time.

Add custom pages and content blocks

Custom pages and content blocks make it easy to organize your website. You can add custom pages and content blocks at any time, so it’s easy to manage your website after launch.

For example, if you know there will be some information you want people visiting your website to see in particular places, you can add that information directly into one of these two types of areas.

Or maybe you know you’ll have lots of different ways people can visit your website; once you set up custom pages and content blocks, they stay organized no matter how someone arrives on your site.

Install plugins

There are literally hundreds of free and paid options out there. Which ones you choose will depend on your niche, but some options that are generally recommended include Yoast, WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache.

You’ll also want to pick a web host; popular choices include Bluehost (which is affiliated with WordPress) and HostGator. Don’t worry too much about optimizing your site; just make sure it has working links and all images load properly before moving on.

There are plenty of tutorials available if you need help getting started with any of these programs. Once you’ve created your website, optimize it using one or more of these plugins.

Promote your website

You’ve built your website for making money, now you need people to come and check it out.

There are three main ways of getting new visitors:

· Paid advertising (like Google AdWords),

· Social media, and

· Search engine optimization (SEO).

Most people start with organic search results by optimizing their content. If your content is relevant, unique, and well-written, then you can enjoy strong traffic from search engines like Google.

Paid ads on Facebook and other platforms are effective if you have a lot of money to spend on promoting it; however, they can be expensive so make sure that what you're creating makes sense as an investment before putting down real cash.

How to Build a Website for Making Money – The Bottom Line

It’s absolutely critical that you do your research and plan ahead if you want to build a website for making money. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen all that often. Just as important is planning for what happens after you build your site.

You’re going to have competitors, but being smart about how you present yourself will go a long way towards keeping them at bay—and generating healthy profits from day one.

It helps if you have experience in search engine optimization (SEO), but even without it, there are some tried-and-true methods of generating traffic without getting caught up in black hat techniques.

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