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3 Excellent Financial Habits To Sustain In 2025

Writer: Money Mentor Money Mentor

You might not be the most wealthy person going into 2025. You may be affected by a tough economy that seems to be shrinking all the time, and offering less opportunity to more people. You may have to live from paycheck to paycheck. But, at the very least, we don’t have a pandemic to deal with right now (and touch wood that won’t be the case anytime soon).

As such, it’s good to focus on a few sustaining and worthwhile budgetary habits to keep us going through the new year and help us welcome 2026 in a better position than we may be currently. Of course, good financial planning isn’t necessarily about hoarding wealth and not spending anything, but living the life you have with some worthwhile principles to keep you afloat. This way, you can more easily navigate the turnings and bumps we all experience in a calendar (and certainly a fiscal) year.

3 Excellent Financial Habits To Sustain In 2025

Selling Unnecessary Valuables Or Items For A Leaner Lifestyle

Most of us look around our homes and see stuff we haven't touched in ages, like a treadmill that became a clothes hanger. Maybe you still have your bread maker from 2020's baking phase, or a fancy juicer that takes too long to clean, but you thought you would use daily. These things just sit there, making us feel guilty every time we see them. Getting rid of them lifts a weight we didn't even know was there, and they can free up some worth. Perhaps you have jewelry given to you from an old relationship, but you’d much rather just focus on selling gold to keep your household budget going throughout the year.

Thinking More Seriously About Pension Contributions

Pensions aren't the most exciting topic and you might have rolled your eyes to see it here.  That’s because they feel far away and abstract, especially when money's tight right now. But small changes can snowball over time and you can often systemize this as part of your income or your job’s matched scheme. 

Nobody gets excited about reducing their take-home pay, but future you will be thankful for even modest increases in pension savings. The math works in your favor for the most part, money put aside in your thirties grows more than money saved in your fifties. Employers often pitch in too, though many people don't take full advantage of this. It's worth checking what your company offers now so at least you’re aware, especially if you’re in your thirties and are starting to think of this. It’s a good habit.

Adding Microsavings To Your Daily Process

Saving isn’t that fun, but it doesn’t necessarily have to mean huge planning and complex maths. Make 2025 the year of pushing gently in the right direction even with nothing huge to fuel you. For instance, little bits here and there add up surprisingly fast. Banking apps now have clever features that do this automatically, like rounding up purchases to the nearest dollar, pound or euro and tucking away the change. It feels painless because you barely notice it happening, but after some months you might have saved a good few hundred or more, maybe even a couple of thousand by the end of the year!

With this advice, we hope you can more easily enjoy some excellent financial habits to sustain you until 2026.

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