On-line Money Making Ideas
On-line money making ideas 2023
This is where the action is these days. As noted above, people are moving away from the more traditional part-time jobs, and into the more flexible and convenient world of online money making. No fixed hours, or journeys to and from the workplace, just do what you want, when you want, whilst fully understanding that the more effort you put in, the more reward you will eventually get out.
Whilst the majority of online income strategies aren’t that complicated, just like with a real-world business, your online income does take time to grow. You need to be willing and able to devote the time and energy required, to get your idea off the ground, and you need to stick with it even if your income is low when you first start out.
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On-line money making ideas - Market surveys
Information, data, and research, is valuable in this modern age, and businesses are prepared to pay for it. Whether it’s to test the market before launching a new product, an updated product, or gathering feedback on an existing product or service, you can get paid for helping them out by providing your thoughts and opinions with market surveys. There are lots of them about, they don’t usually take too long to complete, and you can get paid in cash or vouchers. Not all surveys are open to everyone. You need to fit into the various sorts of demographic to be able to take part in some of them. For example, it wouldn’t be very useful to ask the opinion of an 80-year-old man, about a new pair of skinny jeans designed for teenagers.
On-line money making ideas - Sell on eBay or Etsy
eBay was the original online marketplace which enabled people and businesses to sell things online. As well as bringing in extra cash, eBay can help you de-clutter your home, and is environmentally friendly too. After all, people are re-using your goods, rather than throwing them into landfill.
The eBay model has changed over time, and whereas originally the majority of products listed and sold were second hand, nowadays the platform is mainly used to sell new items, listed by businesses both large and small.
In order to make a decent income, you will have to do a bit of research first to establish which niches are most popular. Then you can target those areas, with better quality products, better prices, and service, or a mixture of all three. Keep an eye on the fees, as they can add up, and make sure you get the postage fee correct, or you could end up out of pocket and selling at a loss.
Etsy is a similar marketplace for selling your products, but the products on Etsy must be home-made originals, so if you have a talent for craft and making things, then Etsy may be the platform for you.
FACT: There were 1,300 new eBay millionaires in 2019.
On-line money making ideas - Blogging, influencers & social media
It’s the modern-day craze that anyone who’s anyone appears to be doing. Whether its mummy bloggers, daddy bloggers, celebrity bloggers, sports bloggers, keep fit bloggers, product review bloggers, gaming bloggers, holiday destination bloggers, the list goes on and on, everybody has something to say about everything these days.
The reason many, (but not all) of these bloggers blog, is in the hope of making some decent money off the back of it. If your blog or social media accounts can attract a large number of followers, then you could be classed as an “influencer”, which simply means your followers hear what you say, and may well believe you.
A large number of followers doesn’t just mean your mum, dad, brother, auntie Flow, and your classmates or workmates. It means thousands, tens of thousands, or even millions of followers. This is why so many celebrities or Z-list celebrities turn their hand to influencing, as they often have a large readymade following.
Once they have the following, then they can pretty much blog about whatever they want, or more likely, whatever somebody will pay them to blog about.
The two main income streams for bloggers and influencers are:
Cash for promotion – This is when you are paid upfront to post a pre-written article, or blog, advertising someone else’s goods or services. For example, the blog could say, just how fit and healthy they now feel, after reading and following Mr X’s latest fitness book, or using their fitness DVD.
Affiliate sales – Again, you would post an article or blog to your millions of followers, but this time, you haven’t been paid up-front for it. You earn your money via “affiliate links” within the article, pointing to products on other websites.
For example, the blog could say, “Hey guys, I’ve just used this brand new shampoo, and my hair has never looked and felt better, in fact, I think I’ve also lost 5lbs since using it, and my teeth are now so pearly white. If you also want to try this amazing shampoo, then just click here and buy it!”
Believe it or not, some people do believe the twaddle spouted by the Z-listers, and they click on the affiliate link and buy the product. For each and every person who does buy the product, the blogger gets a commission.
Imagine if the influencer was blogging about a new car, diamond ring, or luxury holiday in the Maldives! There can be big money made as an influencer.
Just to be clear, not all bloggers and influencers work in such a way as depicted in the example above. There are many decent bloggers who provide great quality content, only advertise things they really believe in, are relevant to the blog, and are ethically promoted, i.e. by telling the truth. This latter way is the way I would suggest you take, if you do like the idea of being a blogger or influencer.
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On-line money making ideas - Affiliate marketing
As touched on in the paragraph above, affiliate marketing earns you a commission for any sales you can generate, from your own online activity and marketing.
Commissions can vary wildly, from as little as 5% to as much as 50%, and very occasionally more, although the average commission range is circa, 10%- 25% for most products.
If you already have a high traffic website, then it can be a good additional income stream. There are many different affiliate schemes available, but one of the most popular is Amazon, which also has a huge range of products to sell.
Affiliate programs also work well for people who want to start a low-cost internet business but have no products or services of their own to sell. For example, if you were interested in fishing, you could set up a fishing related website, fill it with useful original and quality content, including an up to date blog of course. Then you could make as many affiliate links to fishing related goods as you desired. It doesn’t matter that you don’t personally make fishing rods or reels, or any of the other related products, you still have access to selling the very best quality products, with shipping also taken care of for you.
On-line money making ideas - Write an e-book for kindle
If you have a talent as a wordsmith and enjoy writing, then getting your work published online could be a good money-making option for you. It has never been easier to get your book published, and Amazon can now fulfil both online versions and made to order books if you choose. There are certain criteria that must be met, such as minimum word count, and content quality, but other than that, it’s just down to you to create a great manuscript.
On-line money making ideas - Freelance writing
Another option for talented writers with a creative edge, is to become a freelance writer. The internet demands original quality content by the bucket load, and website owners and businesses, both large and small, will pay well for the best quality articles. You may be asked to write 500 words on climate change one day, and 1,000 words on a new electric car the next, so it’s a great role for variety and learning, and the pay can be exceptional, once you master the art.
On-line money making ideas - YouTube videos
Becoming a YouTube sensation isn’t exactly easy, but there are a few people out there making an absolute fortune. I’m reliably informed by my children, that Dan TDM (whoever that is) makes $16m per year with his videos!
If you want to follow in Dan TDM’s footprints, and attempt to earn a fortune from video’s, then why not give it a go? If you’ve got a bubbly personality, and are naturally entertaining behind the camera, then you may be able to earn some decent money from YouTube and similar sites.
The videos can be about anything you think an audience would become engaged with, so things like video game commentary, make up tutorials, how to cook lessons, are all very popular. Check out Money Mentors channel here.
You won’t earn any significant money until you have a large number of followers, and your videos go viral, but once they do, views plus clicks equal income.
On-line money making ideas - Rent a room on Airbnb
If you have a spare room in your house or flat, and could cope with another person invading your privacy, (and using your bathroom) then there is money to be made just by renting a room out. Rooms can be rented by the day, week, or even monthly, so you can get used to it first, with just the odd day or two to begin with.
You can even rent out your drive as a parking space if you have any room, or don’t have a car.
On-line money making ideas - Start your own online business
The internet has revolutionised the way in which business is done, or can be done in the 21st century. You don't need to incur a lot of upfront expenses, to be able to set up an online business these days. You should be able to get a domain name, hosting, and basic package, for less than £100 per year.
Setting up your own online business is more advanced and more work than simply plugging into an affiliate scheme as mentioned earlier.
You will need to establish your great new idea or niche area of interest, and then painstakingly fill your website with original quality content.
You will also have to deal with marketing, product distribution, payment software, complaints, data compliance, and processing, along with numerous other tasks. It can be quite overwhelming to begin with, but for-warned is at least for-armed.
Even so, many home-based internet businesses that can fulfil a need or fill a niche, can operate successfully, and very profitably. This route would certainly suit somebody with good IT skills, and who could create the website themselves, without seeking outside help, which always pushes the cost up.